Getting to know Micro 1000 from AgroLiquid

AgroLiquid would like to introduce you to Micro 1000®. But in this introduction, there won’t be any awkward small talk, fumbling over words, or pressure to make a good first impression. We’ll just stick to facts.

First, what is it? Micro 1000 is a multi-micronutrient fertilizer combining eight micronutrients: zinc, nickel, molybdenum, manganese, iron, copper, cobalt, and boron; and two secondary nutrients: calcium and magnesium.

It uses a carefully formulated recipe of nutrients to help plant growth and plant health at important growth stages.

By safely combining these micronutrients and secondary nutrients into one fertilizer, it’s a fast, easy, and cost-effective way for growers to feed plants and trees.

How is Micro 1000 used?

Micro 1000’s versatility is demonstrated through its flexible application methods. It can be applied as a foliar spray, directly to the soil, or through fertigation systems. This makes it a valuable nutrient for growers across different kinds of cropping systems and management practices.

  • Foliar spray: Foliar applications allow for quick absorption and correction of micronutrient deficiencies, particularly during important growth stages.
  • Soil application: Applying Micro 1000 to the soil helps build and maintain soil micronutrient reserves, helping with long-term availability for plant uptake.
  • Fertigation: Incorporating Micro 1000 into irrigation systems provides a convenient and efficient way to deliver micronutrients directly to the root zone.

 Why is it used?

Micronutrient deficiencies, though sometimes subtle, can significantly impact crop yield and quality. Micro 1000 is used to improve plant health, and ultimately increase productivity.

What crops is Micro 1000 used for?

Micro 1000 benefits a wide range of crops, including:

  • Row crops: Corn, soybeans, wheat, cotton
  • Vegetables: Tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, lettuce
  • Fruits: Apples, grapes, citrus, berries
  • And more


Benefits of Micro 1000:

Research and field experience highlight several key benefits of using Micro 1000:

  • Better nutrient uptake: Micro 1000 improves the overall nutrient uptake efficiency of plants, leading to improved growth and development.
  • Increased yield and quality: By correcting micronutrient deficiencies and promoting plant health, Micro 1000 contributes to increased yield and quality.
  • Improved stress tolerance: Healthy plants are better equipped to fight environmental stresses like drought, heat, and disease pressure. Basically Micro 1000 helps plants strengthen their natural defense mechanisms.
  • Better soil management: Micro 1000 helps build and maintain soil micronutrient levels, contributing to long-term soil health.


Combination of nutrients

Magnesium, boron, and zinc are important for crops, but they are sometimes overlooked in fertilizer programs. Magnesium is needed to help produce chlorophyll, and when there’s a shortage of it, growth and yields will suffer. Meanwhile, boron helps plant cell growth, and a deficiency can make stalks and leaves shrivel. Not only is zinc important for getting good yields, but a zinc deficiency can go unnoticed for a long time. By combining these three nutrients, plus a variety of other useful nutrients, Micro 1000 provides a strong support for crops.

Many studies and field trials demonstrate how Micro1000 works in various cropping systems. Research has shown its positive impact on yield, quality, and overall plant health across various crops.

Continuing the conversation

There you have it! A smooth getting-to-know you session between Micro 1000 and you. Want to dive deeper into the conversation? Check out our resources: