Back 2 Basics

A Video Series from AgroLiquid

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The topics currently available:

  • CEC
  • Productive potential: Base Saturations
  • pH
  • Sodium & Hydrogen
  • Calcium & Magnesium
  • How to manage and influence cations with amendments
  • Potassium
  • Sulfur
  • Phosphorus
  • Nitrogen
  • Zinc
  • Manganese
  • Iron
  • Copper
  • Boron
  • Other Micronutrients
  • Bonus episodes coming this summer!

Back 2 Basics Video Series from AgroLiquid

We know that we can’t focus on end of season and not give attention to the beginning; and that starts with a crop fertility plan based on a complete soil analysis.

Watch all currently available videos

The Back-to-Basics video series is intended to take an in-depth look at the nutrients that may make a difference in your crop.

We’ll go in the order that we at AgroLiquid look at a soil test analysis and help you understand the role each nutrient plays in the plant, how it interacts with other nutrients in the soil, watch-outs and more. Each video is between three and six minutes long, and focuses on a specific category on a soil test analysis.

Not that long ago, fertilizer management only focused on N-P-K. As yields climb, we know that we are having to increase the productivity of N, P and K through the supporting roles of secondary and micronutrients, such as sulfur and zinc all the way through molybdenum. But which ones? And how do we decide which of those pricey nutrients will be worthwhile? Spending on extra nitrogen and potassium may feel like the right choice, but what if copper holds the yield of your wheat crop back and the result is the 50 pounds of nitrogen you applied isn’t productive because it wasn’t supported by $5 worth of copper?