2023 Crop Nutrition Week


AgroLiquid is proud to sponsor the first annual Crop Nutrition Week. As a special gift to registered attendees only, we’d like to offer you a free soil test and analysis.

Follow these steps to receive your free soil test analysis:


This is the submission form for your soil test. Be sure to complete the identification fields with grower name, farm and field so we know to whom the soil belongs. We also ask that you include the ‘copy to’ section to that Midwest Labs can send you a copy of your report. THIS FORM MUST BE PRINTED AND SUBMITTED WITH YOUR SOIL SAMPLE!


Gathering samples for soil testing isn’t complicated, but it must be done with care. This ensures your soil test accurately represents the area you’re testing. Here is an article on collecting a soil sample.


Once you have your soil sample prepared, send us your shipping information, and we will email you a shipping label that you can print and use to send your soil sample to the lab. Please allow one full business day to receive a shipping label.

What crop nutrients do you apply at planting? (Choose all that apply)(Required)
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Once your soil test results are received, an AgroLiquid Agronomist will contact you to help develop a crop nutrition plan that will work toward your goals, within your budget.

AgroLiquid and Your Operation

Place liquid fertility where the crop needs it, with the assurance that nutrients will be available when and where you need them.

“We don’t want to come to you with a recommendation of our products and have you make a wholesale change on the way that you’re managing your farm.” 

AgroLiquid wants to match your cultural habits, whether your fertilize in-furrow, in strip or through Y-Drops, we will do our best to fit into your management plan.

“We’ve been able to lower our output of fertilizer and the amount of gallons we’re putting out and have a better product when we’re done.”

Chris Cook of Lingle WY has been a strip-tiller since 2012. He began using AgroLiquid products in 2013, and has seen many benefits with his in-furrow program. “We’ve just had really impressive corn… We’ve had dryer corn consistently without having to run our fans. Because the corn is ready; Higher test weight – it’s ready. And really good quality.”

“One thing we like to do is look at long-term responses. In having a lot of history in our research, we were able to go back in time and look at all the data we had to see what kind of yield response we affected year-after-year and across time.”

This research looks at the yield and economic benefit on foliar soybean applications of Sure-K, averaged over 159 trials conducted all over North America between 1998 and 2018.