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At AgroLiquid, we study a variety of crops in detail to determine the best fertilizer combinations. All of our fertilizer research is carefully documented, including what fertilizers we use, when, on what crops, and how those crops grow. Much of our research is conducted at our 1,000 acre research facility, the North Central Research Station (NCRS). We also partner with farmers, growers, and ranchers across the country to conduct fertilizer research in other climates and soil types. This helps us perfect our fertilizer programs, and develop the most efficient combinations for all types of crops.

Soybean Yield Response to Potassium Application

This trial evaluated three soybean varieties to see their response the the addition of 3 gal/A Kapitalize applied at planting in a 2×2 band.

Crops: Soybean and Soybeans. States / Provinces: North Carolina. Nutrients: Potassium. Years: 2024. Applications: Planter and Planting.

In-Furrow Soybean Nutrition

In a quest for higher bean yields, there is interest in pushing beans harder with “higher octant” blends at planting. The objective in this study was to add to our understanding of soybean fertilizer sensitivity.

Crops: Soybean and Soybeans. States / Provinces: Minnesota. Nutrients: Programs. Years: 2024. Applications: Planter and Planting.

Soybean Planter-Time Programs

The objective of this trial was to establish a value for planter-time products in Nebraska on soybeans. Products such as Pro-Germinator, Micro 500, and LiberateCa have historically shown great benefits when applied at planting in soybeans.

Crops: Soybean and Soybeans. States / Provinces: Nebraska. Nutrients: Calcium, Micronutrients, and Phosphorus. Years: 2024. Applications: Planter and Planting.

Soybean: Foliar Programs

The objective of this trial was to establish a value for foliar programs in Nebraska. Products such as fertiRain, Sure-K, NResponse, and microLink Mn and B have proven to increase yield when applied foliar at R1.

Crops: Soybeans. States / Provinces: Nebraska. Nutrients: Programs. Years: 2024. Applications: Foliar.

At-Plant Sulfur Application in Soybeans

Soybeans require sulfur for nitrogen utilization and various physiological processes. The objective of this trial was to evaluate accesS applied at planting as a sulfur source in soybeans.

Crops: Soybean and Soybeans. States / Provinces: Maryland. Nutrients: Sulfur. Years: 2024. Applications: Planter and Planting.

At-Plant Nitrogen and Sulfur in Soybeans

Adding supplemental nitrogen has been a management tool for trying to achieve high yields in soybeans. Although soybeans fix nitrogen from the air, some research suggests that supplemental nitrogen may have value in achieving very high yields.

Crops: Soybean and Soybeans. States / Provinces: Maryland. Nutrients: Nitrogen and Sulfur. Years: 2024. Applications: Broadcast, Planter, and Planting.

Irrigated vs Dryland ROI Analysis_PTI Farm

The objective of this trial is to evaluate the difference in return on investment of at-plant FurrowJet® and Conceal® (Figures 1-2.) nutritional programs in both irrigated and dryland environments.

Crops: Soybeans. States / Provinces: Illinois. Nutrients: Programs. Years: 2023.

High Management Irrigated Soybeans_PTI Farm

An evaluation of the yield and economic impact of a soybean liquid starter fertilizer and foliar nutritional program from AgroLiquid in a high management irrigated environment.

Crops: Soybeans. States / Provinces: Illinois. Nutrients: Programs. Years: 2023. Applications: Foliar and Planter.

High Management Dryland Soybeans_PTI Farm

Evaluation of the yield and economic impact of a soybean liquid starter fertilizer and foliar nutritional program from AgroLiquid in a high management irrigated environment.

Crops: Soybeans. States / Provinces: Illinois. Nutrients: Programs. Years: 2023. Applications: Foliar and Planter.

Soybean Fertilizer Program Comparisons – XtremeAg Maryland

This soybean trial was established to compare a grower standard fertilizer program to an AgroLiquid fertility program. The program addressed the soils needs and replaced key products in the grower standard program.

Crops: Soybean and Soybeans. States / Provinces: Maryland. Nutrients: Programs. Years: 2023. Applications: Foliar, Planter, and Planting.

Soybean Fertilizer Program Comparison – Xtreme Ag_North Carolina

This trial evaluated fertility programs for high yielding soybeans. Two AgroLiquid programs were developed in comparison to the grower standard practice.

Crops: Soybean and Soybeans. States / Provinces: North Carolina. Nutrients: Programs. Years: 2023. Applications: Foliar, Planter, and Planting.

Foliar Potassium on Soybeans – XtremeAg

This trial was established to compare AgroLiquid’s foliar potassium products Sure-K and Kapitalize to the grower standard application of potassium acetate.

Additionally, costs analysis was completed looking at yield revenue minus the cost of product.

Crops: Soybean and Soybeans. States / Provinces: Iowa. Nutrients: Potassium. Years: 2023. Applications: Foliar.

Soybean Response to LiberateCa

The objective of the trial was to evaluate soybean response to application rates and timings of LiberateCa.

Crops: Soybean and Soybeans. States / Provinces: Maryland. Nutrients: Calcium. Years: 2023. Applications: Foliar.

Foliar Potassium in Soybeans

The objective of this trial was to evaluate the effectiveness of a commercial potassium acetate product compared to Kapitalize or Sure-K when applied as a foliar treatment in soybeans.

Crops: Soybean and Soybeans. States / Provinces: Ohio. Nutrients: Potassium. Years: 2023. Applications: Foliar.

Soil Applied Sulfur Evaluation on Soybeans

AgroLiquid accesS has many comparisons and wins against ammonium thiosulfate.  This is an excellent experiment showing the value of accesS in a soil applied environment on soybeans.

Crops: Soybean and Soybeans. States / Provinces: Michigan. Nutrients: Sulfur. Years: 2023. Applications: Broadcast.

Calcium Methods and Timing for Soybeans

What is the best method for applying LiberateCa to soybeans?

Crops: Soybean and Soybeans. States / Provinces: Michigan. Nutrients: Calcium. Years: 2023. Applications: Foliar, Planter, Planting, and Seed Trt.

Soybean Fertility Programs

This trial was designed to determine efficacy of in-furrow and foliar programs on soybeans in eastern Great Plains soils.

Crops: Soybean and Soybeans. States / Provinces: Nebraska. Nutrients: Programs. Years: 2023. Applications: Foliar, Planter, and Planting.

XtremeAg Trials 2022

XtremeAg is very transparent with what they do on their farms, and will highlight products and practices that work, along with those that don’t. AgroLiquid has used this opportunity to test out-of-the-box ideas, push for high yields, and expand testing on crops we have little data on.

This report contains all of the results for 2022 for each of the locations where testing was done.

Crops: Corn, Cotton, Rice, and Soybeans. States / Provinces: Alabama, Arkansas, and North Carolina. Nutrients: Programs. Years: 2022. Applications: Foliar, Irrigation, Planter, and Planting.

XtremeAg Trials Report 2021

XtremeAg is very transparent with what they do on their farms and will highlight products and practices that work, along with those that don’t. AgroLiquid has used this opportunity to test out-of-the-box ideas, push for high yields, and expand testing on crops we have little data on.

This report includes the results for 2021 for each of the locations where testing was done.

Crops: Corn, Cotton, and Soybeans. States / Provinces: Alabama, Arkansas, and Iowa. Nutrients: Programs. Years: 2021. Applications: Foliar, Irrigation, Planter, and Planting.

Foliar Boron for Improved Soybean Yield

This trial is evaluating the performance of AgroLiquid MicroLink Boron and Fulvic as foliar applied products to determine any pod retention and yield benefits.

Crops: Soybean and Soybeans. States / Provinces: Michigan. Nutrients: Micronutrients. Years: 2022. Applications: Foliar.

At-Planting Fertilizer Placement on Soybeans

The objective of the trial was to evaluate the yield and economic value of single band vs. three band fertilizer application through FurrowJet on soybean. This trial was conducted by Precision Planting’s PTI Farm.

Crops: Soybeans. States / Provinces: Illinois. Nutrients: Programs. Years: 2022. Applications: Planter and Planting.

At-Planting and Foliar Fertilizer on Soybeans

The objective of the trial was to evaluate the yield and economic value of an at-planting soybean fertilizer program and the additional value of a foliar fertilizer program. This trial was conducted by Precision Planting’s PTI Farm.

Crops: Soybeans. States / Provinces: Illinois. Nutrients: Programs. Years: 2022. Applications: Foliar, Planter, and Planting.

Foliar Application of Kapitalize on Soybeans

The objective of this trial was to evaluate the performance of Kapitalize to the equivalent nutrition provided by a combination of Sure-K + fertiRain + Liberate Ca + eNhance.

Crops: Soybeans. States / Provinces: Ohio. Nutrients: Potassium and Programs. Years: 2022. Applications: Foliar.

Foliar Fertilizer Combinations in Soybeans

Potassium is one of the most important nutrients that can be supplied by foliar fertilizers. Phosphorus is another nutrient that may be beneficial when applied through foliar treatments. The objective of this trial was to evaluate combinations of fertiRain, Sure-K, and springuP applied at R2 growth stage of soybeans.

Crops: Soybeans. States / Provinces: Illinois. Nutrients: Phosphorus, Potassium. Years: 2022. Applications: Foliar.

Planter Sulfur Placement for Soybeans

Crops: Soybeans. States / Provinces: Michigan. Nutrients: Sulfur. Years: 2021. Applications: Planting.

Soybean Yield Response to Foliar Sure-K and fertiRain

Crops: Soybeans. States / Provinces: Maryland. Nutrients: Multinutrient. Years: 2021. Applications: Foliar.

Precision Planting Soybean Starter Fertilizer Study

Crops: Soybeans. States / Provinces: Illinois. Nutrients: Multinutrient. Years: 2021. Applications: Planting.

Kapitalize as a Foliar Fertilizer on Soybeans

Crops: Soybeans. States / Provinces: Illinois. Nutrients: Potassium. Years: 2021. Applications: Foliar.

Kapitalize as a Foliar Fertilizer in Soybeans

Crops: Soybeans. States / Provinces: Illinois. Nutrients: Potassium. Years: 2021. Applications: Foliar.

Kapitalize as a Foliar Fertilizer in Soybeans

Crops: Soybeans. States / Provinces: Illinois. Nutrients: Potassium. Years: 2021. Applications: Foliar.

Foliar Applications of fertiRain in Soybeans

Crops: Soybeans. States / Provinces: Ohio. Nutrients: Multinutrient. Years: 2021. Applications: Foliar.

Soybean Planter Potassium Comparisons

Crops: Soybeans. States / Provinces: Michigan. Nutrients: Potassium. Years: 2021. Applications: Planting.

Soybean In-Furrow Planter Mix for Southeast

Crops: Soybeans. States / Provinces: Michigan. Nutrients: Multinutrient. Years: 2021. Applications: Planting.

Moly In-furrow on Soybeans

Crops: Soybeans. States / Provinces: Ontario. Nutrients: Micronutrients. Years: 2020. Applications: Planting.

Late Season Sulfur on Soybeans

Crops: Soybeans. States / Provinces: Michigan. Nutrients: Sulfur. Years: 2021. Applications: Y-Drop.

Foliar Fertilizer & Fungicide on Soybeans

Crops: Soybeans. States / Provinces: Ontario. Nutrients: Multinutrient. Years: 2020. Applications: Foliar.

Soybean Fertility Program Comparisons

Crops: Soybeans. States / Provinces: Kansas. Nutrients: Multinutrient. Years: 2020. Applications: Planting.

Soybean Fertility Program Comparisons

Crops: Soybeans. States / Provinces: Kansas. Nutrients: Multinutrient. Years: 2020. Applications: Planting.

AgroLiquid LiberateCa™ Soybean Study

Crops: Soybeans. States / Provinces: Illinois. Nutrients: Calcium. Years: 2020. Applications: Planting.

AgroLiquid® Fertilizer FurrowJet® Soybeans Study

Crops: Soybeans. States / Provinces: Illinois. Nutrients: Multinutrient. Years: 2020. Applications: Planting.

AgroLiquid CalSip™ Calcium/Sulfur Soybean FurrowJet® Study

Crops: Soybeans. States / Provinces: Illinois. Nutrients: Calcium. Years: 2020. Applications: Planting.

Soybean Foliar Comparison 2 Year Avg.

Crops: Soybeans. States / Provinces: Kansas. Nutrients: Multinutrient. Years: 2020. Applications: Foliar.

Seed Treatment Comparison on Soybeans

Crops: Soybeans. States / Provinces: Michigan. Nutrients: Micronutrients. Years: 2020. Applications: Seed Trt.

Late Sulfur Source Comparison in Soybeans

Crops: Soybeans. States / Provinces: Michigan. Nutrients: Sulfur. Years: 2020. Applications: Y-Drop.

Foliar Potassium Comparison on Soybeans

Crops: Soybeans. States / Provinces: Michigan. Nutrients: Potassium. Years: 2020. Applications: Foliar.

Foliar Fertilizer Applications at High Rates to Track Tissue Test and Yield

Crops: Soybeans. States / Provinces: Michigan. Nutrients: Micronutrients. Years: 2020. Applications: Foliar.

Foliar Applications of NResponse on Soybeans

Crops: Soybeans. States / Provinces: Michigan. Nutrients: Nitrogen. Years: 2020. Applications: Foliar.

Permanent Plots – Soybeans After 10 Years

Crops: Soybeans. States / Provinces: Michigan. Nutrients: Multinutrient. Years: 2020. Applications: Planting.

Foliar Potassium Applications on Soybeans

Crops: Soybeans. States / Provinces: Kansas. Nutrients: Potassium. Years: 2019. Applications: Foliar.

Effects of In-Furrow Sulfur on 30″ Row Soybeans

Crops: Soybeans. States / Provinces: Michigan. Nutrients: Sulfur. Years: 2020. Applications: Planting.