At AgroLiquid, we study a variety of crops in detail to determine the best fertilizer combinations. All of our fertilizer research is carefully documented, including what fertilizers we use, when, on what crops, and how those crops grow. Much of our research is conducted at our 1,000 acre research facility, the North Central Research Station (NCRS). We also partner with farmers, growers, and ranchers across the country to conduct fertilizer research in other climates and soil types. This helps us perfect our fertilizer programs, and develop the most efficient combinations for all types of crops.
Nutrient Effects on Nitrogen Utilization
This trial tested the relationship between a nitrogen application in conjunction with Micro 1000 (10 micro and secondary nutrient package) and LiberateCa (calcium).
Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: Iowa. Nutrients: Calcium, Micronutrients, and Nitrogen. Years: 2024. Applications: Planter and Planting.
Corn Yield Response to Potassium Application
This trial evaluated three corn hybrids to see their response the the addition of 5 gal/A Kapitalize applied at planting in a 2×2 band.
This trial was established in soils with good potassium levels but low calcium levels. Even with the higher potassium levels, past in-season tissue reports were low in potassium. Therefore, the recommendation for Kapitalize was made to provide additional potassium and calcium to see if there was a yield benefit.
Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: North Carolina. Nutrients: Calcium and Potassium. Years: 2024. Applications: Planter and Planting.
Individual Product In-Furrow Corn
The objective of this trial was to evaluate the efficacy of individual AgroLiquid products that are normally used as part of a blend for in-furrow applications in corn.
Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: Illinois. Nutrients: Calcium and Sulfur. Years: 2024. Applications: Planter and Planting.
Soybean Planter-Time Programs
The objective of this trial was to establish a value for planter-time products in Nebraska on soybeans. Products such as Pro-Germinator, Micro 500, and LiberateCa have historically shown great benefits when applied at planting in soybeans.
Crops: Soybean and Soybeans. States / Provinces: Nebraska. Nutrients: Calcium, Micronutrients, and Phosphorus. Years: 2024. Applications: Planter and Planting.
Foliar Potassium and Calcium in Tomatoes
The objective of this trial was to compare the performance of SEK-24 (experimental formulation of Kapitalize with improved storage characteristics) + FertiRain to Kapitalize + FertiRain or a combination of Sure-K + Liberate Ca + fertiRain when applied as a foliar treatment.
Crops: Tomatoes. States / Provinces: Indiana. Nutrients: Calcium and Potassium. Years: 2024.
Corn Fertilizer Program Comparisons – XtremeAg Tennessee
In this grower field trial an AgroLiquid program was developed to compare to the grower standard fertility program.
Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: Tennessee. Nutrients: Calcium, Micronutrients, Multinutrient, Phosphorus, and Programs. Years: 2023. Applications: Foliar, Planter, and Planting.
Peanut Fertility Program – XtremeAg Georgia
This peanut trial was established to evaluate the yield benefits for foliar applications of AgroLiquid products on peanuts.
Crops: Peanuts. States / Provinces: Georgia. Nutrients: Calcium and Potassium. Years: 2023. Applications: Foliar.
Corn Fertilizer Program Comparisons – XtremeAg Illinois
This grower corn trial compared a grower standard fertility program to different combinations of AgroLiquid products. Utilizing a soil test and the grower standard practice, key AgroLiquid products were placed into the program.
Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: Illinois. Nutrients: Calcium, Micronutrients, Phosphorus, Potassium, and Programs. Years: 2023. Applications: Planter, Planting, and Y-Drop.
Y-Drop Applied LiberateCa on Corn
LiberateCa is often thought of as an addition to an in-furrow liquid fertilizer blend in soybeans or corn. The objective here was to evaluate the benefits of LiberateCa applied to corn later in the season at the beginning of the reproductive stage.
Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: Minnesota. Nutrients: Calcium. Years: 2023. Applications: Y-Drop.
Soybean Response to LiberateCa
The objective of the trial was to evaluate soybean response to application rates and timings of LiberateCa.
Crops: Soybean and Soybeans. States / Provinces: Maryland. Nutrients: Calcium. Years: 2023. Applications: Foliar.
Calcium Methods and Timing for Soybeans
What is the best method for applying LiberateCa to soybeans?
Crops: Soybean and Soybeans. States / Provinces: Michigan. Nutrients: Calcium. Years: 2023. Applications: Foliar, Planter, Planting, and Seed Trt.
Additives in the Planter Band on Red Potatoes
Evaluating the benefits of adding calcium and micro nutrients to a planter band for red potatoes.
Crops: Potatoes. States / Provinces: Michigan. Nutrients: Calcium and Micronutrients. Years: 2023. Applications: Planting.
Planter-Time Additions on Corn
This trial was intended to help determine the efficacy of LiberateCa, AgroLiquid Fulvic, and CTech as planter-time additions to ProGerminator and Micro 500 blends.
Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: Nebraska. Nutrients: Biologicals, Calcium, Carbon, Fulvic, Micronutrients, and Phosphorus. Years: 2023. Applications: Planter and Planting.
Fulvic and Calcium on Sweet Potatoes
The objective of this trial was to measure increase in skin texture and strength, as well as yield increase.
Crops: Sweet Potatoes. States / Provinces: North Carolina. Nutrients: Calcium and Fulvic. Years: 2022.
Red Potato AgroLiquid vs 2 4-D
The objective of this trial was to compare the skin color and quality on red potatoes treated with the grower standard of multiple low-rate applications of 2,4-D, versus adding AgroLiquid calcium and micronutrient products in-furrow.
Crops: Potatoes. States / Provinces: Minnesota. Nutrients: Calcium and Micronutrients. Years: 2022.
AgroLiquid LiberateCa™ Soybean Study
Crops: Soybeans. States / Provinces: Illinois. Nutrients: Calcium. Years: 2020. Applications: Planting.
AgroLiquid CalSip™ Calcium/Sulfur Soybean FurrowJet® Study
Crops: Soybeans. States / Provinces: Illinois. Nutrients: Calcium. Years: 2020. Applications: Planting.
Effect of LiberateCa™ on Fruit Quality of Apples and Pears
Crops: Apples and Pears. States / Provinces: Washington. Nutrients: Calcium. Years: 2017.
Evaluation of LiberateCa as Part of a Corn Planter Program: 6 locations, 2013-17
Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: Michigan. Nutrients: Calcium. Years: 2017. Applications: Planting.
LiberateCa Applications on Soybeans
Crops: Soybeans. States / Provinces: North Carolina. Nutrients: Calcium. Years: 2010. Applications: Planting.
Cherry Tree Foliar Calcium Applications
Crops: Cherry. States / Provinces: Michigan. Nutrients: Calcium. Years: 2009. Applications: Foliar.
Soybean Fertilizer Program Comparison
Crops: Soybeans. States / Provinces: Minnesota. Nutrients: Calcium, Micronutrients, Phosphorus, Potassium, and Sulfur. Years: 2016. Applications: Foliar and Planting.
LiberateCa Soybean Seed Treatment
Crops: Soybeans. States / Provinces: Kansas. Nutrients: Calcium. Years: 2006. Applications: Seed Trt.
Fertilizer Effects on Stip Severity in Bell Peppers
Crops: Peppers. States / Provinces: California. Nutrients: Calcium and Phosphorus. Years: 2016.
AgroLiquid Calcium Can Add To Soybean Yield|
Crops: Soybeans. States / Provinces: Michigan. Nutrients: Calcium. Years: 2016. Applications: Planting.
SC-14 Foliar Application in Tobacco
Crops: Tobacco. States / Provinces: Ontario. Nutrients: Calcium and Nitrogen. Years: 2016. Applications: Foliar.
Liberate-Ca Seed Treatment on Soybean
Crops: Soybeans. States / Provinces: Michigan. Nutrients: Calcium. Years: 2016. Applications: Seed Trt.
The effects of foliar applications on fruit-set, weight, yield, and berry firmness
Crops: Blueberry. States / Provinces: Washington. Nutrients: Calcium and Micronutrients. Years: 2016. Applications: Foliar.
Calcium Source Comparison on 15″- Row Soybeans
Crops: Soybeans. States / Provinces: Michigan. Nutrients: Calcium. Years: 2016. Applications: Broadcast, Foliar, and Planting.
Ca and Mg Options in Corn
Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: Maryland. Nutrients: Calcium and Magnesium. Years: 2016. Applications: Planting.
Calcium Fertilizer Options in Corn
Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: Michigan. Nutrients: Calcium. Years: 2013.
Planter-Applied Calcium for Corn
Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: Michigan. Nutrients: Calcium. Years: 2014. Applications: Planting.
Effects of Foliar Calcium Applications on Fruit Quality and Storage for High Density Honeycrisp Apples in Michigan
Crops: Apples. States / Provinces: Michigan. Nutrients: Calcium. Years: 2015. Applications: Foliar.
Nitrogen Fertilizer Comparisons in Furrow-Irrigated Corn
Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: Nebraska. Nutrients: Calcium and Nitrogen. Years: 2014. Applications: Broadcast and Coulter Inject.
Nitrogen Fertilizer Additives for Corn
Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: South Dakota. Nutrients: Calcium and Nitrogen. Years: 2015. Applications: Broadcast.
Nitrogen Comparisons in Hard Red Spring Wheat
Crops: Wheat - Spring. States / Provinces: Washington. Nutrients: Calcium and Nitrogen. Years: 2014. Applications: Coulter Inject.
Fertilizer Effects on Stand and Yield of 38″ Row Soybeans
Crops: Soybeans. States / Provinces: North Carolina. Nutrients: Calcium, Foliars, Micronutrients, Phosphorus, Potassium, and Programs. Years: 2014. Applications: Broadcast, Foliar, and Planting.
Calcium Fertilizer Additives to Corn in low pH Soil
Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: South Dakota. Nutrients: Calcium. Years: 2015. Applications: Broadcast.
Sugarbeet Fertilizer Additives
Crops: Sugarbeets. States / Provinces: Michigan. Nutrients: Calcium, Carbon, and Sulfur. Years: 2014. Applications: Planting.
Calcium Added to a Soybean Fertilizer Program
Crops: Soybeans. States / Provinces: Michigan. Nutrients: Calcium. Years: 2014. Applications: Planting.
Calcium Fertilizer Additives for Corn
Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: Michigan. Nutrients: Calcium. Years: 2014. Applications: Planting.