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At AgroLiquid, we study a variety of crops in detail to determine the best fertilizer combinations. All of our fertilizer research is carefully documented, including what fertilizers we use, when, on what crops, and how those crops grow. Much of our research is conducted at our 1,000 acre research facility, the North Central Research Station (NCRS). We also partner with farmers, growers, and ranchers across the country to conduct fertilizer research in other climates and soil types. This helps us perfect our fertilizer programs, and develop the most efficient combinations for all types of crops.

Goodrich Farms PrimAgro P versus Pro-Germinator

Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: Minnesota. Nutrients: Phosphorus. Years: 2017. Applications: Planting.

Planter Fertilizer Effects on Corn

Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: Michigan. Nutrients: Phosphorus. Years: 2009. Applications: Planting.

Fertilizer Comparison in Cantaloupes in Sodic Soil

Crops: Cantaloupe. States / Provinces: California. Nutrients: Phosphorus. Years: 2017.

In-Furrow Rates in Corn ( 17-1206 )

Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: Michigan. Nutrients: Phosphorus. Years: 2017. Applications: Planting.

In-Furrow Phosphorus Source in Corn – 2017

Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: Louisiana. Nutrients: Phosphorus. Years: 2017.

Effect of Pro-Germinator and C-Tech on Soybeans

Crops: Soybean. States / Provinces: New York. Nutrients: Carbon and Phosphorus. Years: 2017. Applications: Planting.

Effect of PrimAgro N, P, and K on Corn Yield

Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: Ohio. Nutrients: Micronutrients, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium. Years: 2017. Applications: Planting.

Effect of Fertilizer Placement through Furrow-Jet in Corn

Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: Indiana. Nutrients: Phosphorus. Years: 2017. Applications: Planting.

Corn Fertilizer Rate Comparison ( 17-711 )

Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: Michigan. Nutrients: Phosphorus and Potassium. Years: 2017. Applications: Planting.

Phosphorus Fertilizer Source Comparison in Winter Wheat (17-707)

Crops: Wheat. States / Provinces: Michigan. Nutrients: Phosphorus. Years: 2017. Applications: Planting.

Fall Fertilizer Program Comparison on Winter Wheat (17-707)

Crops: Wheat. States / Provinces: Michigan. Nutrients: Phosphorus. Years: 2017. Applications: Planting.

Pro-Germinator on Corn

Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: Oregon. Nutrients: Phosphorus. Years: 2008.

Soybean In-furrow starter comparison

Crops: Soybeans. States / Provinces: Wisconsin. Nutrients: Phosphorus and Potassium. Years: 2016. Applications: Planting.

Soybean Fertilizer Program Comparison

Crops: Soybeans. States / Provinces: Minnesota. Nutrients: Calcium, Micronutrients, Phosphorus, Potassium, and Sulfur. Years: 2016. Applications: Foliar and Planting.

Rhinelander UW ARS Potato Trial – Graded size

Crops: Potatoes. States / Provinces: Wisconsin. Nutrients: Micronutrients, Phosphorus, and Potassium. Years: 2016. Applications: Planting.

In-furrow starter comparison continuous corn

Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: Minnesota. Nutrients: Phosphorus. Years: 2016. Applications: Planting.

Fertilizer Effects on Stip Severity in Bell Peppers

Crops: Peppers. States / Provinces: California. Nutrients: Calcium and Phosphorus. Years: 2016.

Corn Y-Drop + Undercover NResponse vs F-16 trial

Crops: Corn. Nutrients: Nitrogen and Phosphorus. Years: 2016. Applications: UnderCover and Y-Drop.

Corn in-furrow starter comparisons

Crops: Corn. Nutrients: Phosphorus. Years: 2016. Applications: Planting.

Agricultural Research of Wisconsin potato trials

Crops: Potatoes. States / Provinces: Wisconsin. Nutrients: Phosphorus. Years: 2016.

Pro-Germinator, the advantage of using encapsulated phosphorus

Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: Michigan. Nutrients: Phosphorus. Years: 2016. Applications: Planting.

Variable Rate Liquid Fertilizer on Corn

Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: Ontario. Nutrients: Phosphorus. Years: 2016. Applications: Planting.

In-Furrow Starter Fertilizer on Soybeans

Crops: Soybeans. States / Provinces: Ontario. Nutrients: Phosphorus. Years: 2016. Applications: Planting.

In-Furrow Corn Starter Fertilizer vs. Competitor

Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: Ontario. Nutrients: Phosphorus. Years: 2016. Applications: Planting.

Fertilizer Placement on Corn

Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: Ontario. Nutrients: Phosphorus. Years: 2016. Applications: Planting.

Dry vs. Liquid Starter Fertilizer on Corn

Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: Ontario. Nutrients: Phosphorus. Years: 2016. Applications: Planting.

AgroLiquid Pro-Germinator Trial on Potatoes

Crops: Potatoes. States / Provinces: Oregon. Nutrients: Phosphorus. Years: 2015.

Variable Rate Liquid Fertilizer on Corn

Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: Ontario. Nutrients: Phosphorus. Years: 2015. Applications: Planting.

RD-13 Applied at Planting in Corn

Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: Ohio. Nutrients: Phosphorus. Years: 2016. Applications: Planting.

RD-13 Applied 2 X 2 at Planting in Corn

Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: Ohio. Nutrients: Phosphorus. Years: 2016. Applications: Planting.

Liquid Starter Fertilizer Comparison on Corn

Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: Ontario. Nutrients: Phosphorus. Years: 2015. Applications: Planting.

Liquid Fertilizer Placement on Corn

Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: Ontario. Nutrients: Phosphorus. Years: 2015. Applications: Planting.

In-Furrow Applications of RD-13/C-15 in Corn

Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: Pennsylvania. Nutrients: Carbon and Phosphorus. Years: 2016. Applications: Planting.

GR-14 on Cucumber

Crops: Cucumbers. States / Provinces: Ontario. Nutrients: Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium. Years: 2016. Applications: Foliar.

F-16/Z-16 Foliar Application to Red Bell Peppers

Crops: Peppers. States / Provinces: Ontario. Nutrients: Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, and Sulfur. Years: 2016. Applications: Foliar.

Dry Starter vs. Liquid Starter Comparison on Corn

Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: Ontario. Nutrients: Phosphorus. Years: 2015. Applications: Planting.

The Economic Challenge in Soybeans|

Crops: Soybeans. States / Provinces: Michigan. Nutrients: Micronutrients, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, and Sulfur. Years: 2016. Applications: Broadcast, Foliar, and Planting.

Quest for High Yielding Corn

Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: Michigan. Nutrients: Micronutrients, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium. Years: 2016.

Phosphorous Source Options in Corn

Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: Maryland. Nutrients: Phosphorus. Years: 2016. Applications: Planting.

Impact of different fertility programs on the yield and storage of Honeycrips grown in a high density apple orchard in Central Michigan

Crops: Apples. States / Provinces: Michigan. Nutrients: Micronutrients, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus. Years: 2016. Applications: Foliar and Surface Band.

Impact of different fertility programs on the yield and storage of Buckeye Galas grown in a high density apple orchard in Central Michigan

Crops: Apples. States / Provinces: Michigan. Nutrients: Micronutrients, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus. Years: 2016. Applications: Foliar and Surface Band.

Fertility program impacts on yield on Concord grape production in Central Michigan

Crops: Grapes. States / Provinces: Michigan. Nutrients: Carbon, Micronutrients, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium. Years: 2016. Applications: Foliar and Surface Band.

Fertility program impacts on fruit chemistry on Concord grape production in Central Michigan

Crops: Grapes. States / Provinces: Michigan. Nutrients: Carbon, Micronutrients, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium. Years: 2016. Applications: Foliar and Surface Band.

Fertility program effects on cucumber yield in Central Michigan

Crops: Cucumbers. States / Provinces: Michigan. Nutrients: Micronutrients, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium. Years: 2016. Applications: Broadcast, Foliar, and Planting.

Strip-Till Fertilizer Programs on Corn

Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: Michigan. Nutrients: Phosphorus, Potassium, and Sulfur. Years: 2016. Applications: Strip-Till.

Soybean Fertilizer Programs in a Permanent Plot Rotation (6 Year Average)

Crops: Soybeans. States / Provinces: Michigan. Nutrients: Micronutrients, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium. Years: 2016. Applications: Broadcast, Coulter Inject, and Planting.

Soybean Fertilizer Programs in a Permanent Plot Rotation

Crops: Soybeans. States / Provinces: Michigan. Nutrients: Micronutrients, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium. Years: 2016. Applications: Broadcast, Coulter Inject, and Planting.

Preplant Band Fertilizer Applications on Corn

Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: Michigan. Nutrients: Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium. Years: 2016. Applications: Coulter Inject, Planting, and Surface Band.

Phosphorus Fertilizer Programs on Winter Wheat||

Crops: Wheat - Winter. States / Provinces: Michigan. Nutrients: Phosphorus. Years: 2016. Applications: Broadcast.

Winter Wheat Fertilizer Methods of Application Options

Crops: Wheat - Winter. States / Provinces: Michigan. Nutrients: Phosphorus. Years: 2013. Applications: Broadcast, Foliar, Planting, and Topdress.