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At AgroLiquid, we study a variety of crops in detail to determine the best fertilizer combinations. All of our fertilizer research is carefully documented, including what fertilizers we use, when, on what crops, and how those crops grow. Much of our research is conducted at our 1,000 acre research facility, the North Central Research Station (NCRS). We also partner with farmers, growers, and ranchers across the country to conduct fertilizer research in other climates and soil types. This helps us perfect our fertilizer programs, and develop the most efficient combinations for all types of crops.

Soybean Yield Response to Potassium Application

This trial evaluated three soybean varieties to see their response the the addition of 3 gal/A Kapitalize applied at planting in a 2×2 band.

Crops: Soybean and Soybeans. States / Provinces: North Carolina. Nutrients: Potassium. Years: 2024. Applications: Planter and Planting.

Corn Yield Response to Potassium Application

This trial evaluated three corn hybrids to see their response the the addition of 5 gal/A Kapitalize applied at planting in a 2×2 band.

This trial was established in soils with good potassium levels but low calcium levels. Even with the higher potassium levels, past in-season tissue reports were low in potassium. Therefore, the recommendation for Kapitalize was made to provide additional potassium and calcium to see if there was a yield benefit.

Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: North Carolina. Nutrients: Calcium and Potassium. Years: 2024. Applications: Planter and Planting.

Soybean Fertilizer Program Comparison – Xtreme Ag_North Carolina

This trial evaluated fertility programs for high yielding soybeans. Two AgroLiquid programs were developed in comparison to the grower standard practice.

Crops: Soybean and Soybeans. States / Provinces: North Carolina. Nutrients: Programs. Years: 2023. Applications: Foliar, Planter, and Planting.

Corn Fertilizer Program Comparisons – XtremeAg

This trial evaluated an AgroLiquid fertility program against the grower standard, along with an AgroLiquid program with additional potassium and calcium to address the growers concerns of low tissue levels in season.

Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: North Carolina. Nutrients: Programs. Years: 2023. Applications: Planter and Planting.

XtremeAg Trials 2022

XtremeAg is very transparent with what they do on their farms, and will highlight products and practices that work, along with those that don’t. AgroLiquid has used this opportunity to test out-of-the-box ideas, push for high yields, and expand testing on crops we have little data on.

This report contains all of the results for 2022 for each of the locations where testing was done.

Crops: Corn, Cotton, Rice, and Soybeans. States / Provinces: Alabama, Arkansas, and North Carolina. Nutrients: Programs. Years: 2022. Applications: Foliar, Irrigation, Planter, and Planting.

Fulvic and Calcium on Sweet Potatoes

The objective of this trial was to measure increase in skin texture and strength, as well as yield increase.

Crops: Sweet Potatoes. States / Provinces: North Carolina. Nutrients: Calcium and Fulvic. Years: 2022.

Foliar Fertilizer Program Comparison in Peanuts

Crops: Peanuts. States / Provinces: North Carolina. Years: 2017.

LiberateCa Applications on Soybeans

Crops: Soybeans. States / Provinces: North Carolina. Nutrients: Calcium. Years: 2010. Applications: Planting.

Fertilizer Program Comparisons in Cotton

Crops: Cotton. States / Provinces: North Carolina. Years: 2015. Applications: Broadcast and Planting.

Fertilizer Effects on Stand and Yield of Cotton

Crops: Cotton. States / Provinces: North Carolina. Nutrients: Foliars, Phosphorus, Potassium, and Programs. Years: 2014. Applications: Foliar and Planting.

Fertilizer Effects on Stand and Yield of 38″ Row Soybeans

Crops: Soybeans. States / Provinces: North Carolina. Nutrients: Calcium, Foliars, Micronutrients, Phosphorus, Potassium, and Programs. Years: 2014. Applications: Broadcast, Foliar, and Planting.

Effect of Foliar Fertilization on Cotton Yield

Crops: Cotton. States / Provinces: North Carolina. Years: 2015. Applications: Foliar.