Permanent crops and post-harvest nutrition: What’s important?


As harvest season wraps up for many permanent crops, it’s already time to begin preparing for the next season. No time to rest and reflect on the past year! Post-harvest is the time to replace soil nutrients and support plants as they go dormant.

Why does post-harvest application matter?

Harvest depletes soil nutrients, and post-harvest applications replace what was lost, helping to make sure the soil is ready for spring growth. Plus, healthy roots are needed for nutrient and water uptake, and post-harvest fertilization encourages root development during the dormancy period.

Crops also experience stress during harvest (just like people!), and providing nutrients helps them build reserves for winter.

In addition, research shows that post-harvest nutrition can improve yields in the following season by promoting early growth and flowering.

Important nutrients

  • Nitrogen: Up to 20% of total seasonal N can be applied post-harvest. It maintains leaf area, extends photosynthesis, and supports early shoot growth. You can use both soil and foliar applications.
  • Phosphorus: Promotes healthy root growth and provides energy reserves. Choose a fertilizer protected from soil tie-up.
  • Potassium: Potassium is helpful for water relations and cell reproduction. A post-harvest application is needed, especially after high-yielding seasons. Foliar applications are highly effective.
  • Zinc: Zinc plays a major role in bud break and fruit set. Foliar applications are recommended, especially for almond trees and in alkaline soils.
  • Boron: Boron is needed for flower and pollen development. Hull sampling is helpful to assess boron levels in almonds. Growers can correct deficiencies with foliar applications.

AgroLiquid fertilizers are formulated for efficient nutrient delivery and plant uptake. For post-harvest applications, consider these options:

  • Multinutrients: AgroLiquid’s multinutrient fertilizer solutions are designed to stimulate and maintain strong growth in plants with bark stems, including nut and fruit trees, berry bushes, and grape vines. See more here.
  • Kalibrate: Kalibrate is a balanced blend of potassium, sulfur, and magnesium. Potassium is important for fruit quality and overall plant vigor.
  • Micro 500: Micro 500 supplies micronutrients like zinc, manganese, and iron, which are often deficient in permanent crops.

For application, consider timing. Apply after harvest, but before the ground freezes, since this helps with nutrient uptake before dormancy. Soil applications are most common, but foliar sprays can also be effective for certain nutrients. It’s helpful to talk to your AgroLiquid representative for recommended rates based on your crop and soil conditions.


Post-harvest fertilization is an investment in the long-term health and productivity of your permanent crops. By partnering with AgroLiquid, you have access to high-quality fertilizers and expert advice to improve your nutrient management program.

By replenishing nutrients, supporting root health, and helping with stress resilience, growers can prepare their acres for a great spring and even better harvest. Growers can also help their post-harvest nutrition programs by completing regular soil and tissue tests and keeping up with the latest research. By looking at post-harvest needs, growers can make sure their permanent crops are profitable for years to come…practically permanently.

Check out our trials on permanent crops, including our Six year almond trial, Grower standard vs. AgroLiquid program, and Foliar phosphorus on Gala apples.