Planning for Planting: Micro 500

fertilizer preparation for planting

You’ve planned, you’ve researched, you’ve reviewed at all the inputs…How can you best help your crop reach its fullest potential? When you’re planning for planting, it’s time to look at Micro 500.

Micro 500
Micro 500 is designed to give plants the micronutrient base of exactly what they need. Micro 500 contains the micronutrients zinc, manganese, iron, copper, and boron, which cover multiple requirements for crops. Let’s break it down.

• Zinc – Zinc is an important component of various enzymes that are responsible for driving metabolic reactions in crops.
• Manganese – Manganese is a micronutrient to plant growth that sustains metabolic roles within different plant cell compartments.
• Iron – Iron is involved in the manufacturing process of chlorophyll, and it’s also required for certain enzyme functions.
• Copper – Copper is required for many enzymatic activities in plants, plus for chlorophyll and seed production.
• Boron – Boron plays an important role in regulation plants’ hormone levels and promoting proper growth.

When there isn’t enough of a micronutrient in the soil, deficiencies happen. This might even happen if the micronutrient is present, but they’re bonded to other compounds in the soil, and as a result the plants’ roots can’t break them down. Depending on the micronutrient deficiency, plants might have curled or yellowing leaves, weak stems, weak flower, bud or seed growth, and grow slowly. Deficiencies to the eye look similar, so performing a soil test lets growers know which micronutrients are missing.

Let’s get synergized
Micro 500’s micronutrients are synergistic, which means growers get a better uptake and response from a micronutrient in Micro 500 than if they apply an equal volume of a nutrient alone. Plus, having this combination available is helpful in parts of fields where a grower might be unaware that a particular nutrient is lacking.

Trials prove that AgroLiquid micronutrients perform better than dry micros, because applicators can place them in a root zone band, in furrow or near the seed. Micro 500 also outperforms other conventional micronutrient fertilizers.

By improving chlorophyll production and the photosynthesis process, Micro 500 helps support every growth stage:

• Prevents micronutrient deficiencies that can stunt growth
• Supports protein synthesis and enzyme production
• Improves nitrogen fixation
• Supports lignin formation
• Supports strong cell growth

The Nutriq Technology contained in Micro 500 is what helps fight deficiency, stimulate long-lasting growth, and support long term nutrient uptake. Nutriq Technology uses plant-derived chelates to prevent the micronutrients from binding with other elements in the soil. When this happens, they can create bonds that plants can’t break, and then can’t use. But with Nutriq technology, the chelates form a protective shell around the micronutrients which plants can still break down. Then micronutrients to release slowly, allowing the plant to use them throughout its entire growth cycle.

Application options
Like many of our products, Micro 500 is designed for easy application. It’s easy to find the most efficient way, because there are a variety of application methods available to you. Plus, since Micro 500 is safe to apply with many other nutrition and crop protection products, so you don’t have to make an extra trip just to apply a zinc, manganese, iron, copper or boron product. Fewer trips, less manpower, better crops!

See the research

Not only does Micro 500 help your crops be the best they can be…we also have the research to prove it. Check out our resources to make this season your best one ever.