Potassium – Nutrient Information_01302025
Potassium (K) is absorbed by plants in larger amounts than any other mineral nutrient except nitrogen. It is required for nutrient movement in the plant. Potassium is also important in the formation of sugars and starches in plants.
Phosphorus – Nutrient Information
Phosphorus (P) is involved in photosynthesis, respiration, energy storage and transfer, and many other processes in the plant. Phosphorus uptake is a continuous process during the active growth period of plants.
Soybean Fertilizer Study
Careful study and experimentation helped us develop the best fertilizer program for soybeans. By finding the right macro and micronutrient combinations, we give crops the power to reach their full growth potential. Some of our results include an 7 bu/A yield increase using LiberateCa via foliar application and 5 bu/A yield increase using Sure-K and Micro500.
Cotton Nutrition Plan
A successful cotton fertility program maintains adequate levels of nutrition throughout the season without allowing the crop to take advantage of excesses in the soil or become deficient. This can be a delicate balance. We wrote this whitepaper to explain more about how to best manage nutrients for cotton to optimize lint production.
Nitrogen – Nutrient Information
Nitrogen (N) is a building block for amino acids and proteins and acts as a catalyst for other nutrients. Nitrogen can sometimes be tricky to harness for maximum efficiency. It doesn’t stay in one form for an extended period. The most common form the plant uses, the nitrate (NO3 ) form, is the most susceptible to moving with water. Balancing crop demands with increased accountability makes it imperative that growers constantly evaluate nitrogen management.
Budgeting Tool
There are many elements that drive planning a profitable harvest, but honing in on your fertilizer budget is a big step in establishing a path to maximum returns. Ready to start optimizing your fertilizer spending today?
Micronutrients – Nutrient Information_01302025
Of the essential nutrients plants must have to grow, 8 are referred to as micronutrients. While plants use micronutrients in very small amounts, they are just as essential for plant growth as primary (N, P and K) and secondary (S, Ca and Mg) nutrients.
Corn Yield Study
We performed a 6 year study to analyze the effects of our starter fertilizer for corn, nitrogen for corn, and other macro- and micronutrient programs. The results were clear; AgroLiquid fertilizer increases corn yield. Read the study to learn more about the nutrient use in corn, and how the right fertilizer with the right application can improve yields.
Winter Wheat Fertilizer Study
We carefully studied wheat production at our 1,000-acre research facility to formulate the right nutrient combinations for winter and spring wheat. When adding the right nutrients at the right time, yields increased substantially. Some of our results include a 12 bu/A yield increase using Pro-Germinator compared to nitrogen-only fertilizer and a 5.3 bu/A yield increase using NResponse as a foliar fertilizer compared to no foliar.
Potato Nutrient Intake and Fertilizer Study
We have studied the effects of our liquid potato fertilizer extensively on all different types of potatoes, soil types and climates, all over the country. By studying potatoes’ nutrient use throughout its lifecycle and perfecting our fertilizer program, we’ve seen amazing results.
Sugarbeet Root and Sugar Yield Study
We carefully formulated, tested and studied the results of our sugarbeet fertilizer to find the best combination. Through our research we were able to harvest approximately 6 ton/A more beets using eNhance and extract 1,915 more lbs of sucrose per acre. Download the research to learn more.
Apple Fertilizer Growth Study
We continuously test our apple fertilizer programs on a wide variety of apples in different climates and with different soil types. With this research, we were able to increase tree growth, strength and yield, and induce faster, brighter apple coloring. Take a look at the effects of AgroLiquid fertilizer on many different apples types, including bearing and non-bearing trees.
Fruit and Vegetable Research
Take a look at the effects of AgroLiquid fertilizers on a wide range of fruit and vegetables from many different locations. This report includes studies on: asparagus, blueberries, cabbage, carrots, celery, cantaloupe, cucumbers, squash, grapes, hops, onions, peppers, potatoes, pumpkins, sweet corn, tomatoes, watermelon, and strawberries.
Cherry Tree Growth Study
We studied the effects of AgroLiquid fertilizer on young and mature cherry trees to find the best combinations to speed up growth and improve yields. Our research from the spring of 2011 to the fall of 2013 shows improvements in tree height and trunk diameter, and the fertilizer program used to achieve these results.