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At AgroLiquid, we study a variety of crops in detail to determine the best fertilizer combinations. All of our fertilizer research is carefully documented, including what fertilizers we use, when, on what crops, and how those crops grow. Much of our research is conducted at our 1,000 acre research facility, the North Central Research Station (NCRS). We also partner with farmers, growers, and ranchers across the country to conduct fertilizer research in other climates and soil types. This helps us perfect our fertilizer programs, and develop the most efficient combinations for all types of crops.

Foliar Nitrogen Application Comparison In Corn

Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: Michigan. Nutrients: Nitrogen. Years: 2008. Applications: Foliar.

Irrigated vs Dryland ROI Analysis_PTI Farm

The objective of this trial is to evaluate the difference in return on investment of at-plant FurrowJet® and Conceal® (Figures 1-2.) nutritional programs in both irrigated and dryland environments.

Crops: Soybeans. States / Provinces: Illinois. Nutrients: Programs. Years: 2023.

High Management Irrigated Soybeans_PTI Farm

An evaluation of the yield and economic impact of a soybean liquid starter fertilizer and foliar nutritional program from AgroLiquid in a high management irrigated environment.

Crops: Soybeans. States / Provinces: Illinois. Nutrients: Programs. Years: 2023. Applications: Foliar and Planter.

High Management Dryland Soybeans_PTI Farm

Evaluation of the yield and economic impact of a soybean liquid starter fertilizer and foliar nutritional program from AgroLiquid in a high management irrigated environment.

Crops: Soybeans. States / Provinces: Illinois. Nutrients: Programs. Years: 2023. Applications: Foliar and Planter.

High Management Irrigated Corn_PTI Farm

Evaluation of the yield and economic impact of a corn liquid starter fertilizer and foliar nutritional program from AgroLiquid in a high management irrigated environment.

Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: Illinois. Nutrients: Programs. Years: 2023. Applications: Foliar, Planter, and Side Dress.

High Management Dryland Corn_PTI Farm

Evaluation of the yield and economic impact of a corn liquid starter fertilizer and foliar nutritional program from AgroLiquid in a high management dryland environment.

Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: Illinois. Nutrients: Programs. Years: 2023. Applications: Foliar, Planter, and Side Dress.

Tissue PPM Zinc Following Foliar Application on Corn

The objective of this trial was to determine the change in zinc tissue levels in corn after foliar application of microLink Zn.

This multi-site trial was established at nine locations.

Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: Illinois, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, and Tennessee. Nutrients: Micronutrients. Years: 2023. Applications: Foliar.

Corn Fertilizer Program Comparisons – XtremeAg Tennessee

In this grower field trial an AgroLiquid program was developed to compare to the grower standard fertility program.

Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: Tennessee. Nutrients: Calcium, Micronutrients, Multinutrient, Phosphorus, and Programs. Years: 2023. Applications: Foliar, Planter, and Planting.

Peanut Fertility Program – XtremeAg Georgia

This peanut trial was established to evaluate the yield benefits for foliar applications of AgroLiquid products on peanuts.

Crops: Peanuts. States / Provinces: Georgia. Nutrients: Calcium and Potassium. Years: 2023. Applications: Foliar.

Corn Fertilizer Program Comparisons – XtremeAg Illinois

This grower corn trial compared a grower standard fertility program to different combinations of AgroLiquid products. Utilizing a soil test and the grower standard practice, key AgroLiquid products were placed into the program.

Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: Illinois. Nutrients: Calcium, Micronutrients, Phosphorus, Potassium, and Programs. Years: 2023. Applications: Planter, Planting, and Y-Drop.

Peanut Foliar Fertilizer Comparison

This trial evaluates two AgroLiquid foliar combinations applied with fungicide applications throughout the season.

Crops: Peanuts. States / Provinces: Georgia. Nutrients: Programs. Years: 2023. Applications: Foliar.

Corn Fertilizer Program Comparison – Georgia

This corn trial was established looking at two different comparisons:

First, a comparison of planter fertilizer program was made comparing 3 gal/A Pro-Germinator to 2

gal/A Pro-Germinator + 1 gal/A Spring-uP.

Second, a comparison between UAN and UAN with an experimental product, eN-22.

Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: Georgia. Nutrients: Programs. Years: 2023. Applications: Planter and Planting.

Foliar Comparison on Cotton – Mississippi

This trial was established in Mississippi to evaluate different foliar fertilizer applications applied throughout the season.

Crops: Cotton. States / Provinces: Mississippi. Nutrients: Programs. Years: 2023. Applications: Foliar.

Soybean Fertilizer Program Comparisons – XtremeAg Maryland

This soybean trial was established to compare a grower standard fertilizer program to an AgroLiquid fertility program. The program addressed the soils needs and replaced key products in the grower standard program.

Crops: Soybean and Soybeans. States / Provinces: Maryland. Nutrients: Programs. Years: 2023. Applications: Foliar, Planter, and Planting.

Corn Program Comparison – XtremeAg Maryland

This corn trial was established utilizing key AgroLiquid products placed into the grower standard practice. Each treatment builds off the previous.

Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: Maryland. Nutrients: Programs. Years: 2023. Applications: Foliar, Planter, Planting, and Side Dress.

Change in Tissue Test Levels Following Foliar Applications

This trial evaluates tissue response to foliar applications of microLink Zinc, Boron or Manganese.

States / Provinces: Michigan. Nutrients: Micronutrients. Years: 2023. Applications: Foliar.

Rice Fertilizer Applications – XtremeAg

In this Arkansas rice trial, evaluations on different foliar applications of AgroLiquid products throughout the season were made to see the effects it would have on final rice yield.

Crops: Rice. States / Provinces: Arkansas. Nutrients: Programs. Years: 2023. Applications: Foliar.

Cotton Fertilizer Programs – XtremeAg

This experiment compared a grower standard cotton program to and AgroLiquid fertility program planter and foliar applied.

Crops: Cotton. States / Provinces: Arkansas. Nutrients: Programs. Years: 2023. Applications: Foliar, Planter, and Planting.

Soybean Fertilizer Program Comparison – Xtreme Ag_North Carolina

This trial evaluated fertility programs for high yielding soybeans. Two AgroLiquid programs were developed in comparison to the grower standard practice.

Crops: Soybean and Soybeans. States / Provinces: North Carolina. Nutrients: Programs. Years: 2023. Applications: Foliar, Planter, and Planting.

Corn Fertilizer Program Comparisons – XtremeAg

This trial evaluated an AgroLiquid fertility program against the grower standard, along with an AgroLiquid program with additional potassium and calcium to address the growers concerns of low tissue levels in season.

Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: North Carolina. Nutrients: Programs. Years: 2023. Applications: Planter and Planting.

Wheat Foliar Fertilizer Program Comparisons

This trial evaluates the yield response from foliar applications of micronutrients and sulfur applied on winter wheat. Applications were made at flagleaf.

Crops: Wheat - Winter. States / Provinces: Alabama. Nutrients: Micronutrients, Multinutrient, and Sulfur. Years: 2023. Applications: Foliar.

Corn Fertilizer Program Comparison vs Grower Standard – Xtreme Ag

This trial with XtremeAg grower Henderson Farms evaluated where AgroLiquid best fits into the grower standard fertility program.

Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: Alabama. Nutrients: Programs. Years: 2023.

Foliar Potassium on Soybeans – XtremeAg

This trial was established to compare AgroLiquid’s foliar potassium products Sure-K and Kapitalize to the grower standard application of potassium acetate.

Additionally, costs analysis was completed looking at yield revenue minus the cost of product.

Crops: Soybean and Soybeans. States / Provinces: Iowa. Nutrients: Potassium. Years: 2023. Applications: Foliar.

Foliar Potassium on Corn – XtremeAg

This trial was established to compare AgroLiquid’s foliar potassium products Sure-K and Kapitalize to the grower standard application of potassium acetate.

Additionally, costs analysis was completed looking at yield revenue minus the cost of product.

Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: Iowa. Nutrients: Potassium. Years: 2023. Applications: Foliar.

Micro 500 Added to Grower Standard Program

The objective of this trial was to evaluate the addition of Micro 500 to the grower’s standard corn program.

Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: Minnesota. Nutrients: Micronutrients. Years: 2023. Applications: Planter and Planting.

Y-Drop Applied LiberateCa on Corn

LiberateCa is often thought of as an addition to an in-furrow liquid fertilizer blend in soybeans or corn. The objective here was to evaluate the benefits of LiberateCa applied to corn later in the season at the beginning of the reproductive stage.

Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: Minnesota. Nutrients: Calcium. Years: 2023. Applications: Y-Drop.

Foliar Fertilizer Options in Tomatoes – 2 Year Study

Trials conducted in cooperation with Red Gold Tomato Company, Elwood, IN, to evaluate foliar potassium treatments in tomatoes

Crops: Tomatoes. States / Provinces: Indiana. Nutrients: Potassium. Years: 2022 and 2023. Applications: Foliar.

Soybean Response to LiberateCa

The objective of the trial was to evaluate soybean response to application rates and timings of LiberateCa.

Crops: Soybean and Soybeans. States / Provinces: Maryland. Nutrients: Calcium. Years: 2023. Applications: Foliar.

Side Dress Fertilizer Options in Corn

The objective of this trial was to evaluate the effect of various side dress fertilizer additions to nitrogen. Previous research has shown positive yield results from adding micronutrients, potassium, phosphorus or sulfur to nitrogen at side dress in corn.

Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: Maryland. Nutrients: Micronutrients, Phosphorus, Potassium, Programs, and Sulfur. Years: 2023. Applications: Side Dress.

Foliar Phosphorus on Gala Apples

The objective of this trial was to evaluate phosphorus sources as foliar treatments on ‘Gala’ apples.

Crops: Apples. States / Provinces: New York. Nutrients: Phosphorus. Years: 2023. Applications: Foliar.

Forage Grass Response to Foliar Fertilizer

The objective of the trial was to evaluate the effectiveness of the combination of fertiRain and Kapitalize on forage grass yield.

The forage grasses in this trial were a mix of Timothy and fescue.

Crops: Grass forage. States / Provinces: Illinois. Nutrients: Programs. Years: 2023. Applications: Foliar.

Foliar Potassium in Soybeans

The objective of this trial was to evaluate the effectiveness of a commercial potassium acetate product compared to Kapitalize or Sure-K when applied as a foliar treatment in soybeans.

Crops: Soybean and Soybeans. States / Provinces: Ohio. Nutrients: Potassium. Years: 2023. Applications: Foliar.

Corn Silage Production – 3-year summary

The objective of this project was to demonstrate the value of AgroLiquid fertilizer products on yield and quality of corn silage. This project was conducted in cooperation with Dairy One consulting. The project was conducted in 2021, 2022, and 2023. The three year summary is reported.

Crops: Silage Corn. States / Provinces: New York. Nutrients: Programs. Years: 2021, 2022, and 2023. Applications: Planter, Planting, and Side Dress.

Foliar Application on Alfalfa

The objective of the trial was to evaluate the effectiveness of the combination of fertiRain and

Kapitalize on alfalfa yield.

Crops: Alfalfa. States / Provinces: Illinois. Nutrients: Multinutrient, Potassium, Programs, and Sulfur. Years: 2023. Applications: Foliar.

In-Furrow Corn Trial

This grower is looking for an effective but low cost in-furrow blend that meets his goal of providing a positive ROI versus no in-furrow fertilizer applied.

Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: Minnesota. Nutrients: Programs. Years: 2023. Applications: Planter and Planting.

Soil Applied Sulfur Evaluation on Soybeans

AgroLiquid accesS has many comparisons and wins against ammonium thiosulfate.  This is an excellent experiment showing the value of accesS in a soil applied environment on soybeans.

Crops: Soybean and Soybeans. States / Provinces: Michigan. Nutrients: Sulfur. Years: 2023. Applications: Broadcast.

Micro 500 Evaluation

Micro 500 experiments may be few.  This is an excellent test to show the value of micro nutrients on corn.

Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: Michigan. Nutrients: Micronutrients. Years: 2023. Applications: Planter and Planting.

Calcium Methods and Timing for Soybeans

What is the best method for applying LiberateCa to soybeans?

Crops: Soybean and Soybeans. States / Provinces: Michigan. Nutrients: Calcium. Years: 2023. Applications: Foliar, Planter, Planting, and Seed Trt.

Additives in the Planter Band on Red Potatoes

Evaluating the benefits of adding calcium and micro nutrients to a planter band for red potatoes.

Crops: Potatoes. States / Provinces: Michigan. Nutrients: Calcium and Micronutrients. Years: 2023. Applications: Planting.

Addition of Kalibrate in Season on Russet Potatoes

Evaluating the response of potassium through irrigation to russet potatoes.

Crops: Potatoes. States / Provinces: Michigan. Nutrients: Potassium. Years: 2023. Applications: Irrigation.

3 Year In-Furrow Phosphorus Comparisons

AgroLiquid Pro-Germinator and springuP compared to conventional phosphorus sources.

Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: Michigan. Nutrients: Phosphorus. Years: 2021, 2022, and 2023. Applications: Planter.

In-Furrow Yield Study

The objective of this replicated Product Field Experience research trial in northern Illinois was to gauge the effectiveness of a retail partner recommended in-furrow treatment against the grower’s historic practice of no in-furrow starter in corn on a high fertility field on a dairy farm.

Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: Illinois. Nutrients: Programs. Years: 2023. Applications: Planter.

Soybean Fertility Programs

This trial was designed to determine efficacy of in-furrow and foliar programs on soybeans in eastern Great Plains soils.

Crops: Soybean and Soybeans. States / Provinces: Nebraska. Nutrients: Programs. Years: 2023. Applications: Foliar, Planter, and Planting.

Corn Planter-Time Rate Comparison

The objective of this trial was to establish ProGerminator’s efficacy in-furrow versus 10-34-0 in neutral to low pH soils.

Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: Nebraska. Nutrients: Phosphorus. Years: 2023. Applications: Planter.

Planter-Time Additions on Corn

This trial was intended to help determine the efficacy of LiberateCa, AgroLiquid Fulvic, and CTech as planter-time additions to ProGerminator and Micro 500 blends.

Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: Nebraska. Nutrients: Biologicals, Calcium, Carbon, Fulvic, Micronutrients, and Phosphorus. Years: 2023. Applications: Planter and Planting.

Corn Planter-Time Rate Study

The objective of this trial was to establish ProGerminator’s efficacy in-furrow versus 10-34-0 in neutral to low pH soils.

Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: Nebraska. Nutrients: Phosphorus. Years: 2023. Applications: Planter.

UAN Nitrogen Efficiency Additives

The objective of this trial is to determine the efficacy of AgroLiquid product eNhance and a new experimental eN-22 as an additive to UAN.

Crops: Corn. States / Provinces: Nebraska. Nutrients: Nitrogen and Sulfur. Years: 2023. Applications: Planter.

Grower Standard vs AgroLiquid Program in Citrus

The objective of this trial is to compare the grower standard program against an AgroLiquid program to determine which program produces the highest yields by bin count.

Crops: Citrus. States / Provinces: California. Nutrients: Micronutrients, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium. Years: 2023.

Six-Year Almond Trial in Almonds

This trial compares the yield averages of our six-year almond trial between the grower standard of 10-34-0 (50 gallons per acre applied) and Potassium Thiosulfate (45 gallons per acre applied) with AgroLiquid’s PrG (18 gallons per acre applied) and Kalibrate (16.5 gallons per acre applied).

Crops: Almonds. States / Provinces: California. Nutrients: Phosphorus, Potassium and Sulfur. Years: 2023. Applications: Foliar and Irrigation.

Product Efficacy Trial on Almonds

The sixth year of replicated research comparing AgroLiquid’s products for efficacy using PrG and Kalibrate, compared to the grower standard of 10-34-0, and Potassium Thiosulfate.

Crops: Almonds. States / Provinces: California. Nutrients: Phosphorus, Potassium and Sulfur. Years: 2023. Applications: Foliar and Irrigation.